Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Process Room

Hello Everyone!
Some of our students who did fieldwork in Tawau and Klias recently are working in the Process room this week. Some guys from the fish group are staying back for the whole break (which is good, since they're planning to go to the field this coming month - thesis). Thanks to you Peth for allowing them to work there.

I noticed that there are too many furniture that are not suppose to be in there - 2 exam tables, 3-4 arm-chairs that are suppose to be at the pantry, some boxes. I've asked Agos (and probably Ehsan, who heard me and maybe decided to help Agos :) ) to remove them and do a little bit of cleaning on the sink.

Because we are working with alcohol and formalin, it seems the air circulation in the room is not that good. May be we need to install an exhaust fan later - now I asked the students to open door and window when working. Also, because we do a little bit of cleaning for the bottles and vials in the room, the sink seems to be too small (and it makes you angry!). Peth, we need to talk about this with other borneensis guys sometimes.

OK, have a nice day.


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